1. Admission will be taken by the merit list. Those students will not be registration. They will not be able for admission.
2. Self Finance nourish syllabus and the process of tution programme will be follow according to C.C.S. university.
3. Firstly all the admission will be temporary till verified.
4. The admission form will be available after declared the result of planned intermediate by madhyamic shiksha parishad allahabad (UP). Admission will be taken according to CCS University on the basis of merit.
5. It is necessary to students for the admission that he show the correct information on the admission form and stick self signatured new photo and send high school marksheet Intermediate marksheet, TC, and sanad.
6. Submit migration certificate coming from other board or university besides CCS university.
7. Signature on sending copy is necessary.
8. College would this authority that the college may regret the form on finding the errorin application and admission form and fee will not be rufundable.
9. Candidates will declaration this that he never caught by police on imitating and never come the name any figured and never proved the characterless.
10. Principal has no any authority to give the admission of any one.
11. On Taking the time of admission. Do select the subject with carefully during the running classes. The subject can not be changed.
12.Any government worker and other doing worker doing of public services, service's son, daughter's admission in transfer case of their parents will not be accepted before the permission of college chancellor or nominated officer as migration (Admission) will be accepted tell one month from the last date of admission.
13.Transfer will not be accepted in any case after Ist year of student.
14. The students those passed any exams the following board, university.They are not able to take admission in this university.
(i) Akhil Bhartiya Madhyamic Shiksha Parishad, Delhi
(ii) Central Uchchate Shiksha Parishad Uttam Nagar New Delhi
(iii) Vyask Avan Takniki SHiksha Parishad Aligarh, Mubarakpur New Delhi.
(iv) Kenhriya UH Shiksha Parishad Parav Patel Nagar New Delhi.
(v) Madhyamic Shiksha Parishad New Delhi- Allahabad
(vi) Gurukul Vishvvidhalaya Varandavan.
(vii) M.H. Education
15. Students will not be permitted to take admission of practical syllabus on the standard of. It has not taken that subject the stanfdard of graduate.
16. Graduate/ Post Graduate PVT students who have passed Ist year or IInd Year . They will not be taken the admission in regular.
17. private/Regular students will have to pass six year B.A., The period of six year will be acceptedby educational session in which he took the admission first time to be finish of above period after his application form automatically will be finished.
18.According to majority of discipline those students are found to poluted the atmosphere by ragging or miss behave with university or college workers or lecturers he will be restricted with out asking the reason.
19. Following the action will be taken on doing ragging according to respected unnatam
If any incident of ragging comes to the notice of the authority, the concerned students shall be given liberty to explain and if his explosion is not found satisfactory the authority would expel him from the institition
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